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This project is about my time in the EPICS program which stands for Engineering Projects in Community Service. The program allows ASU students to either join or found their own team where all semester long the objective is to work with a real community on developing a solution to a need they have. In this case Wheels2Africa was founded by me during my Freshman year, and the goal was to develop a new innovative wheelchair design to help the physically impaired in South Africa. 


The main focus below is my personal technical contributions to the latest developments on the project.

Product Description

The product being developed is a new concept wheelchair made for the community in South Africa. The key features in the model are the wheel which has been design for both indoor and outdoor use based on customer research, as well as an adjustable seat frame for easy reorientation. 

skills developed

  • Leadership / Team Management

  • SolidWorks Modeling and Rendering

  • SolidWorks Top Down Assembly

  • FEA Stress Testing

  • Experimental Statistics / ANOVA

  • Test Designing

Design Purpose

  • Wheel is designed for all terrain based on primary research​

  • Testing fixture design to test relative "bumpiness"

  • Minimal mechanical components for simple international product support

  • Design to client needs

Phase 1: Wheel Development Progress


Developed Concept Designs

Created Testing Mechanism


Constructed Testing Fixture

Prototype Testing


Project Takeaways

  • Made many local friends and an international friend

  • Learned what it took to manage a project for over two years

  • Made mistakes, but made them fast teaching me many lessons

  • Practical application of technical classroom knowledge

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