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Solar Powered Cooler


The solar powered cooler is the product I helped develop with a team of 5 other engineers for my capstone project. The project started in August 2021 where I was serving as team lead to guide the progression of the team and make sure all deliverables were met. From a technical standpoint my contributions included the preliminary CAD design, market research, POC testing, and conducting PDRs. When the second half of the capstone program began I had to delay because I took an internship with Tesla for that spring semester. The project continued on without me and the rest of this page will go over everything I had a part in and not what occurred after my departure.


The main focus below is the progress made in the development stage during my capstone time.


Product Description

The solar powered cooler is designed for the camping market. The system will be able to cool food and beverages to a temperature between 35 ℉ and 40 ℉ using solar energy. The main features of the cooler are the 100qt volume, 20Ah battery, solar powered ability, and water resistance.

skills developing

  • Team Leading Skills

  • SolidWorks Design for Assembly

  • SolidWorks Top Down Assembly

  • FEA Stress Testing

  • POC and Analysis Testing

  • Goldsmith Commercialization Model

  • Phased Product Development Model

Design Purpose

  • To give camping industry an affordable option in solar cooling 

  • Utilize various technical class knowledge in prototype

  • Showcase product development through documentation

  • Provide value to the class sponsor

Initial Development Progress


Preliminary Concept Design

Utilized Morphological Chart to Pick Top Concepts

Final Morphological Chart.jpg

Developed Concept Sketch for Medium Cost Model

Completed Project!

Upcoming Steps

  • CAD Iterations

  • Prototype construction

  • BOM creation and contacting vendors

  • Testing prototypes to meet validation requirements

Project Takeaways So Far

  • Utilizing commercialization model which is teaching me business practices

  • Developing network connections with industry members

  • Familiarizing myself with industry practices PPD


    Practical application of technical classroom knowledge


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