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30 Day CAD Challenge


The 30 day modeling project was inspired by the work Rob Maldonado did in his One A Day project I heard about during the "Being an Engineer" Podcast. It was during the summer of 2021 where I was working as an intern at General Dynamics and completing my program at Google where I wanted to continue practicing my CAD skills and therefore took on the 30 day challenge. During this time I was modeling various items I was interested by, modeled complicated designs while learning from tutorials, and challenged myself to learn basics of surface modeling.


The focus below will be on some of my favorite models and what I learned from them.


Product Description

Multiple CAD models made with the focus on surface modeling, challenging tutorials, and each one had to be made and posted within the same day. The process would begin with brainstorming an idea for the day, finding a way to practice the modeling skill, and finally rendering the image utilizing different textures and appearances.

skills developed

  • SolidWorks Modeling and Rendering

  • SolidWorks Top Down Assembly

  • Surface Modeling Techniques

  • Various Surfacing Tools

  • Rendering and Animation Tools

  • Quick Brainstorming Techniques

Design Purpose

  • Challenging models for practice

  • Challenge myself with new designs

  • Create different types of renders and animations

  • Fulfill the 30 day challenge I set myself

  • Practice Surfacing and Drafting

Models Made During Challenge

Day2 (1).JPG

Day 2: Surface Modeled Art

  • Surface modeling


  • Worked with render settings


  • Mirror feature design


  • Multi-body model

Day 24: Surfacing Tutorial

  • Practiced surface modeling techniques


  • Utilized knit surface, trim surface, and lofted surface


  • Tutorial by CAD CAM TUTORIAL on YT


  • Added new render settings

Day24_SurfacingTutorial (1).JPG
Day27_AppleWatch (1).JPG

Day 27: Apple Watch Model

  • Rapid modeling in about 30 minutes


  • Utilized fundamental tools


  • Tried new surface textures


  • Practiced rendering technique

Day 30: Door Knob Surfacing

  • Self guided surface modeling


  • Utilized lofted surfaces and guide curves


  • Added metal material for surface finish in render​


  • Helped practice surfacing design

Day30_DoorKnob (1).JPG

Day 20: Injection Molding Model 

  • Worked on visualization of molding process​


  • Practiced animation development on assembly


  • Worked on drafting knowledge through SolidWorks​


  • Based on YT tutorial CAD CAM TUTORIAL

Project Takeaways

  • Connected with Rob Maldonado via social media as he gave support

  • Developed important surface modeling skills

  • Gained comfort in rendering and camera positions

  • Applied SolidWorks knowledge and continued working CAD muscle

  • Practiced animation creation in assembly model

Day16_DraftAngles (1)
Day1 (1)
Day3 (1)
Day4_StreamDeck (1)
Day5_MobiusTutorial (1)
Day6_GoogleHome (1)
Day7_SpoonSurfacing (1)
Day8_GlassTable (1)
Day9_HammerSurfacing (1)
Day15_GearTutorial (1)
Day13_RollerDerby (1)
Day23_Mug (1)
Day24_SurfacingTutorial (1)
Day22_WallOutlet (1)
Day25_LampSurfacing (1)
Day42_PipeElbow (1)
Day34_SurfacingTutorial (1)
Day11_Pokeball (1)
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